На 29 август Американския
научен център в София (АНЦС) беше за трети път домакин на среща на Клуба на
Хвърчащите хора. Поради върлуващия летен вирус, само единайсет от очакваните
двайсетина от нас успяха да присъстват и да се реят вечерта на крилата на Словото.
По мое впечатление, всички се наслаждавахме на импровизираното литературно
четене на две от многото прекрасни стихотворения на Боб Дилън, поднесени ни от
Николай Арабаджиев, последвани от разказ на Светлана Дичева, представен ни
блестящо в изпълнение на авторката, стихотворение от Иван Брегов, представено и
в превод на английски и кратко есе от Камен Костов. Присъстваха още Таня
Кольовска, Клер Леви, Славея Неделчева, Борислав Кръстев и Мартни Стоянов, композитор и музикален изпълнител.
Обявихме първия конкурс,
организиран съвместно от КХХ и АНЦС за превод на стихотворението на Райнер Мария Рилке „Архаичен торс на Аполон”.
Стихотворението бе прочетено в немския оригинал и в една от наличните версии на
английски език. Веднага след това директорът на АНЦС и съучредител на КХХ, Ерик
Де Сена, грабна вниманието ни с кратка лекция, поднесена във формата на
великолепно и задълбочено есе относно обществените, политическите, културните и
религиозни представи на Рим от периода около 1 в. пр. н. е. и тяхното влияние
върху културния и религиозен живот на римската империя от онова време, както и
върху следващите епохи и народи в хода на историята, включително до днес, и
прочете Хорациевата творба "Carmen Saeculare", поръчана от император
Август за тържество през лятото на 17 г. пр. н. е., което приветства
настъпването на ново столетие. Август оглавява политическа и културна революция
след смъртта на Цезар през 44 г. пр. н. е. До 17 г. Август е приключил с гражданските
войни и е установил мир в империята, както и много културни и религиозни
промени – много поезия и изкуство с важни социални и политически послания.
Клубът на Хвърчащите хора
Американският научен център в
за превод от немски
на стихотворението на Райнер
Мария Рилке
Архаичен торс на Аполон
Немският оригинал на
е публикуван тук.
Преводите трябва да бъдат
изпратени най-късно до 30 ноември 2012 г.
на следния електронен адрес: flyingfolkclub@gmail.com
Ще бъдат присъдени следните
I награда – Лавров венец
II награда – Боров венец
III награда – Венец от целина
Специална награда за представен най-лош превод:
Венец от отровен бръшлян
Пожелаваме вдъхновение и
успех на всички участници!
Archaiser Torso Apollos
Wir kannten nicht sein
unerhörtes Haupt,
darin die Augenäpfel reiften. Aber
sein Torso glüht noch wie ein Kandelaber,
in dem sein Schauen, nur zurückgeschraubt,
darin die Augenäpfel reiften. Aber
sein Torso glüht noch wie ein Kandelaber,
in dem sein Schauen, nur zurückgeschraubt,
sich hält und glänzt. Sonst
könnte nicht der Bug
der Brust dich blenden, und im leisen Drehen
der Lenden könnte nicht ein Lächeln gehen
zu jener Mitte, die die Zeugung trug.
der Brust dich blenden, und im leisen Drehen
der Lenden könnte nicht ein Lächeln gehen
zu jener Mitte, die die Zeugung trug.
Sonst stünde dieser Stein
entstellt und kurz
unter der Schultern durchsichtigem Sturz
und flimmerte nicht so wie Raubtierfelle;
unter der Schultern durchsichtigem Sturz
und flimmerte nicht so wie Raubtierfelle;
und bräche nicht aus allen
seinen Rändern
aus wie ein Stern: denn da ist keine Stelle,
die dich nicht sieht. Du mußt dein Leben ändern.
aus wie ein Stern: denn da ist keine Stelle,
die dich nicht sieht. Du mußt dein Leben ändern.
Rainer Maria Rilke
On August 29 the American
Research Center in Sofia (ARCS) hosted the third meeting of the Flying Folk
Club. Due to some nasty summer virus only eleven of the expected nearly twenty
of us managed to attend and sore in the evening on the wings of the Word. My
impression was that we all enjoyed the improvised literary reading opened with
a moving presentation of two of the many wonderful poems of Bob Dylan, brought
to us by Nikolay Arabadjiev, followed by a short story by Svetlana Dicheva, wonderfully
presented by the author herself, a poem by Ivan Bregov, rendered also into
English, and an essay by Kamen Kostov. Attended also Tanya Kolyovska, Claire
Levy, Slaveya Nedelcheva, Borislav Krustev, and musician and composer Martin Stoyanov.
The first competition
sponsored jointly by FFC and ARCS for шге translation of Rainer
Maria Rilke’s poem Archaic Torso of Apollo, was announced. The poem was read in
the German original and in one of the existing English versions. Right after
that ARCS Director and co-founder of FFC Eric De Sena grasped our attention
with a brief lecture performed in the form of a brilliant and profound essay
about the social, political, religious and cultural ideas of Rome of the period
around the 1st Century B.C. and their influence on the cultural and religious
life of the Roman empire of that time, as well as on the later ages and peoples
throughout the course of history, and to this very day, and read to us Horace’s
“Carmen Saeculare”, commissioned by emperor Augustus for a ceremony in
summer 17 BC which welcomed a new century. Augustus led a political and
cultural revolution after the death of Caesar in 44 BC. By 17 BC, Augustus had
settled the civil wars and established peace in the Empire. Also many “cultural”
and religious changes – lots of poetry and art with important social and
political messages.
The Flying Folk Club
The American Research Center
in Sofia
for the translation from
German of
Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem
Archaiser Torso Apollos
The German original of the
poem published above.
The translations must be emailed
by latest November 30, 2012
to the following E-mail address: flyingfolkclub@gmail.com
The following prizes will be
I Prize – Laurel Wreath
II Prize – Pine Wreath
III Prize – Celery Wreath
A special prize for the worst translation submitted:
Poison Ivy Wreath
We wish all the participants
inspiration and success!
Carmen Saeculare
Phoebe silvarumque potens Diana,
lucidum caeli decus, o colendi
semper et cultu, date quae precamur
tempore sacro
quo Sibyllini monuere versus
virgines lectas puerosque castos
dis, quibus septem placuere colles,
dicere carmen.
virgines lectas puerosque castos
dis, quibus septem placuere colles,
dicere carmen.
alme Sol, curu nitido diem qui
promis et celas aliusque et idem
nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma
visere maius.
promis et celas aliusque et idem
nasceris, possis nihil urbe Roma
visere maius.
rite maturos aperire partus
lenis, Ilithyia, tuere matres,
sive tu Lucina probas vocari
seu Genitalis:
lenis, Ilithyia, tuere matres,
sive tu Lucina probas vocari
seu Genitalis:
diva, producas subolem patrumque
prosperes decreta super iugandis
feminis prolisque novae feraci
lege marita,
prosperes decreta super iugandis
feminis prolisque novae feraci
lege marita,
certus undenos deciens per annos
orbis ut cantus referatque ludos
ter die claro totiensque grata
nocte frequentis.
orbis ut cantus referatque ludos
ter die claro totiensque grata
nocte frequentis.
vosque, veraces cecinisse Parcae,
quod semel dictum est stabilisque rerum
terminus servet, bona iam peractis
iungite fata.
quod semel dictum est stabilisque rerum
terminus servet, bona iam peractis
iungite fata.
fertilis frugum pecorisque tellus
spicea donet Cererem corona;
nutriant fetus et aquae salubres
et Iovis aurae.
spicea donet Cererem corona;
nutriant fetus et aquae salubres
et Iovis aurae.
condito mitis placidusque telo
supplices audi pueros, Apollo;
siderum regina bicornis, audi,
Luna, puellas.
supplices audi pueros, Apollo;
siderum regina bicornis, audi,
Luna, puellas.
Roma si vestrum est opus Iliaeque
litus Etruscum tenuere turmae,
iussa pars mutare Lares et urbem
sospite cursu,
litus Etruscum tenuere turmae,
iussa pars mutare Lares et urbem
sospite cursu,
cui per ardentem sine fraude Troiam
castus Aeneas patriae superstes
liberum munivit iter, daturus
plura relictis:
castus Aeneas patriae superstes
liberum munivit iter, daturus
plura relictis:
di, probos mores docili iuventae,
di, senectuti placidae quietem,
Romulae genti date remque prolemque
et decus omne.
di, senectuti placidae quietem,
Romulae genti date remque prolemque
et decus omne.
quaeque vos bubus veneratur albis
clarus Anchisae Venerisque sanguis
inpetret, bellante prior, iacentem
lenis in hostem.
clarus Anchisae Venerisque sanguis
inpetret, bellante prior, iacentem
lenis in hostem.
iam mari terraque manus potentis
Medus Albanasque timet securis,
iam Scythae responsa petunt, superbi
nuper, et Indi.
Medus Albanasque timet securis,
iam Scythae responsa petunt, superbi
nuper, et Indi.
iam Fides et Pax et Honor Pudorque
priscus et neglecta redire Virtus
audet adparetque beata pleno
Copia cornu.
priscus et neglecta redire Virtus
audet adparetque beata pleno
Copia cornu.
augur et fulgente decorus arcu
Phoebus acceptusque novem Camenis,
qui salutari levat arte fessos
corporis artus,
Phoebus acceptusque novem Camenis,
qui salutari levat arte fessos
corporis artus,
si Palatinas videt aequos aras
remque Romanam Latiumque felix
alterum in lustrum meliusque semper
prorogat aevom,
remque Romanam Latiumque felix
alterum in lustrum meliusque semper
prorogat aevom,
quaeque Aventinum tenet Algidumque,
quindecim Diana preces virorum
curat et votis puerorum amicas
adplicat auris:
quindecim Diana preces virorum
curat et votis puerorum amicas
adplicat auris:
haec Iovem sentire deosque cunctos
spem bonam certamque domum reporto
doctus et Phoebi chorus et Dianae
dicere laudes.
spem bonam certamque domum reporto
doctus et Phoebi chorus et Dianae
dicere laudes.
Carmen Saeculare
O Phoebus, Diana queen of the woodlands,
Bright heavenly glories, both
worshipped forever
And cherished forever, now
grant what we pray for
this sacred time,
When Sybilline verses have
issued their warning
To innocent boys, and the
virgins we’ve chosen,
To sing out their song to the
gods, who have shown their
for the Seven Hills.
O kindly Sun, in your shining
chariot, who
Herald the day, then hide it,
to be born again
New yet the same, you will never
know anything
Mightier than Rome!
O gentle Ilithyia, duly
The child at full term, now
protect gentle mothers,
Whether you’d rather be known
as Lucina,
Or Genitalis.
Goddess, nurture our
offspring, bring to fruition
The Senate’s decrees concerning
the wedlock
Of women who’ll bear us more
of our children,
laws of marriage,
So the fixed cycle of years,
ten times eleven,
Will bring back the singing
again, bring back the games
We crowd to three times by
daylight, as often,
beautiful night.
And you, the Fates, who are
truthful in prophecy,
Link happy destinies, as has
once been ordained
And let the certain course of
events confirm it,
those that are past.
Let Earth that is fruitful in
crops, and in cattle,
Adorn our Ceres with garlands
of wheat-ears:
And may Jupiter’s life-giving
rain and breezes
Ripen the harvest.
Gentle and peaceful Apollo,
lay down your arms,
And listen now to the young
lads’ supplications:
Luna, crescent-horned queen
of the constellations,
ear to the girls.
If Rome is your doing, and if
from far Ilium
Came that band of people who
reached the Tuscan shore,
Those commanded to change
their home and their city,
On a
lucky course,
Those for whom pious Aeneas,
the survivor,
Who passed without injury
through the flames of Troy,
Prepared a path to freedom,
destined to grant him
more than he’d lost:
Then, you divinities, show
our receptive youth
Virtue, grant peace and quiet
to the old, and give
Children and wealth to the
people of Romulus,
every glory.
Whatever a noble descendant
of Venus
And Anchises, asks, with a
white steer’s sacrifice,
Let him obtain: a winner in
war, merciful
our fallen foe.
Now the Parthians fear our
forces, powerful
On land, and on sea: they
fear the Alban axes,
Now the once proud Indians,
now the Scythians
for an answer.
Now Faith and Peace, Honour,
and ancient Modesty,
Dare to return once more,
with neglected Virtue,
And blessed Plenty dares to
appear again, now,
her flowing horn.
May Phoebus, the augur,
decked with the shining bow,
Phoebus who’s dear to the
Nine Muses, that Phoebus
Who can offer relief to a
weary body
his healing art,
May he, if he favours the
Palatine altars,
Extend Rome’s power, and Latium’s
Through the fresh ages, show,
always, improvement,
ever new.
And may Diana, to whom is the
And Mount Algidus, accept the
Of the Fifteen, and attend,
and lend a fond ear,
To these children’s prayers.
We bear to our home the fine
hope, and certain,
That such is Jupiter’s, and
all the gods’ purpose:
We’re taught, we, the chorus,
to sing praise of Phoebus,
Praise of Diana.
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